

Effective Overnight Acne Treatments

Make acne Vanish in One Night!!
A big party tomorrow and here you are trying to figure out how to get rid of the fresh appearance of an ugly pimple on the most prominent location on your face through some overnight acne treatment!!! It is no doubt a very frustrating situation and you are ready to try anything to have clear skin just for the occasion. You’ll even take the risk involved in using untrustworthy medicine if they promise the removal of this ugly blemish that mars the beauty of you face! Believe me I’ve been through it! And the worst thing to do in such a case is panic and get tensed because before you know it the dirt balloon is growing bigger and redder (you could be imagining that) and getting you even more tensed.

You think; is it a coincidence or is en evil spirit assigned the task of making your life miserable that you always get acne just when you don’t want it, just when something is coming up and you desperately want to look good?? Well let me tell you, it’s neither. Of the many causes of acne including change in hormones, dirt, germs, skin toxins, etc, an indirect cause is the rise in stress levels. So if you stress over something you get yourself a pimple! Wonder why the dumb girls are always so pretty? They don’t worry about anything!! Therefore one trick is to stay calm and composed, no matter what.

You wish there was somebody to save you, someone you can ask for a magic spell if nothing else is possible! But listen up readers for I have a few magic tricks that could readily cure you of your pimply problem and you’ll be thanking me when you’ll have the self confidence you couldn’t bear to be without. So here goes our list of Overnight Cures for Acne!!

Firstly let’s talk about the products available in the market. They may not be so safe but obviously some might be pretty reliable and they rid you of acne in no time. You just need to know which ones will be effective and which won’t. The lotions and creams available in the market containing benzoyl peroxide have so far proved to be quite beneficial in quick removal of acne without much effort.

Also from among the many face washes and soaps available, those with aloe Vera or Neem extracts are more efficient. Other than these medicated soaps for acne may be used if they don’t dry the skin out too much, because excess drying of skin also causes the sebaceous gland to produce extra sebum (oil), adversely affecting the treatment.
Astringents are also available that claim to dry out pimples overnight but one should be careful not to use alcohol based astringent as they are bad for skin in the long run. Those containing salicylic acid are somewhat better.

With so many different inventions in technology how is it possible that the acne problem is abandoned? Well it isn’t! The introduction of ZAPPING GELS or PENS, claiming to ‘zap’ acne in one night, has made overnight acne cure so much more easier. You just apply the gel through the pen on the affected area of your skin before going to bed!

Now, for those who prefer natural remedies to market products there are also thousands of options and un-doubtfully they are safer than anything in the market. But for them you need to work a bit harder collecting the needed ingredients, making pastes and often bearing with their Odors.
There are several pastes that you can make, and one of these is made of Neem leaves, mint leaves, cloves, camphor, fuller’s earth, lime juice, besan and a few drops of rosewater. This paste is applied very carefully only on the affected areas and not on the whole face and left to dry overnight. In the morning the result will make you a fan! But beware! Only on the pimples!

A toner also made from Neem leaves can prove to be effective. You’ll need boiled Neem leaves, camphor and rose water for it. Apply this to the acne several times a day and it will eventually dry them out. Therefore Neem is quite good in case of pimples as it is a disinfectant.

Aloe Vera juice and lemon juice with apple cider vinegar is also well known but they can be irritating to sensitive skins. So better consult the dermatologist first.
A paste of a teaspoon of turmeric with three drops of sesame oil also disinfects the acne while the oil maintains moisture. Apart from sesame oil, essential oils such as Lemon, lavender, eucalyptus and primrose, when rubbed onto acne overnight are helpful in removing them. Wiping the face with rosewater also cools down the skin reactions and helps.
Do all these sound too hard? Well here is something you can do with ordinary house hold items! Everyone has baking soda right? Well apply a paste of it with equal parts of water before bed and in the morning witness clear skin as the acne have died out!

Similarly and very surprisingly you can always use your toothpaste as gel over the acne and have smooth beautiful skin in the morning! Well you have to try it to believe me and at least it’s better than the early morning spit massage your grandma told you about!

Now all you have to do is choose anyone of these cures and have your smooth, clear skin back again. All these overnight acne treatment remedies have been tried and tested by people all over the world, so you ought to worry no more and take the advice of yours truly by implementing and making yourself a happy soul!


Acne Treatment During Pregnancy Makes You Beautiful

Pregnancy is the time of a women’s life when everything she does has to be safe for her and the baby in every way. And it is not uncommon that women who have had clear skin all their life, start getting acne during the first few months. This is due to hormonal changes in the early stage and with the passage of a few months when the level of estrogen rises; you’re back to normal and sometimes even better! For those who do not want to put up with a pimply face for those first months care is very essential for acne treatment during pregnancy.

When a woman is pregnant, her body produces certain hormones to help the growth of the fetus and ensure its health. Using antibiotics and causing the glands to cease or slow down their secretions will be interfering with the growth. Apart from this there are certain hormones and medications which may cause deformities and abnormalities in the developing fetus. In order to prevent any deformities in the fetus and rid yourself of acne you need to follow a very careful treatment which should be approved and observed regularly by your doctor.

Acne medications such as isotrentinoin have also many side effects. Although a very effective treatment for acne otherwise, it can prove to be quite dangerous for the fetus as well as the child being breast fed by the women under its treatment. Women under treatment should try and prevent pregnancy, and make sure the effects of treatment do not prevail if they plan to get pregnant later.

Anti-androgens, Flutamide and spironolactone, for example used in hormonal therapy for acne treatment should be strictly avoided during pregnancy as the cause defective growth. Estrogen is also often used and it should be avoided lest excess of the hormone causes any difficulties.

Other medications to be avoided are oral tetracyclines and its derivatives. These chemicals cause discoloration of bones and teeth permanently. It also effects the child being breast fed therefore should be forbidden completely.

Oral medications have more risk than topical medications. However with the recommendation of the doctor oral erythromycin may be used if the acne is very severe. Topical retinoids must also be avoided however benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid are considered safe for skin application.

However the best way to treat acne is the natural way. This includes trying to keep your skin free from germs, bacteria and toxins and cleansing regularly. Excess cleansing will result in drying of the pores which will then enhance oil production from the sebaceous glands resulting negatively.

Exercising regularly is recommended as it circulates blood to all parts of the body and eating fresh fruits, vegetables including those that are good blood cleaners will also help tremendously. Drinking plenty of water also keeps the skin clear.

Herbal remedies can also be used after consultation of the doctor as all herbs are not necessarily safe for all conditions. Natural products such as lemon juice application, Egg white mask, aleovera, baking soda scrub etc are useful especially in such case.

Being pregnant does not mean you should put up with looking ugly. With the help of guidance from doctors and through careful use of natural and un-harmful skin applications through acne treatment during pregnancy guidelines you can safely be free from pimples and acne.

Organic Acne Treatment-Nature’s Help

Acne is a common problem faced by the youth, women and men alike due to the increasing pollution in the environment and the unhealthy food that has become so trendy nowadays. These skin problems affect our self confidence and mar the beauty of an otherwise pretty face. Those who have ever suffered acne are well aware of the dilemma one has to face, being showered with all kinds of different ideas; to take this and stop that and what to use and what has side effects, one skin specialist recommending something which the other has strictly forbidden.

Believe me it’s a tough time making a choice of which treatment to avoid and which to use. What most people don’t know is that the best way to permanently free yourself from these beauty hampering marks is the simplest and easiestin form of organic acne treatment. But to start to cure yourself of any problem you must first properly understand its causes.

It seems that there are millions of medical treatments available in the market promising permanent removal of acne and short term treatments. But these have their drawbacks. It may take a lot of time to figure out which treatment suits you best and by that time your acne might have become much worse. As we know that acne is produced when the androgen hormones cause the access production of sebum from the sebaceous glands.
Most inorganic acne treatments involve the use of antibiotics or antifungal preparations to slow down the production of these hormones. Thus they try to suppress the symptom without eliminating the source of the problem. This may result in deeper problems which at the end might get out of control. Therefore it is better not to take risk and avoid such treatments no matter how promising they might seem

Our skin is the layer that protects our inner organs from the harmful contents of the atmosphere of our environment. It’s constantly in contact with bacteria, harmful toxics, the effects of whether, heat, cold, dryness, humidity, chemicals in soaps and other things we might apply on our skin and of course dirt. Apart from protecting, skin has pores which serve as the outlets of toxic wastes produced inside of us due to unhealthy eating habits and unwholesome diet. The clogging of these pores by dirt and all the other harmful chemicals stated above consequently result in acne i.e. pimples, blackheads etc.

Countless researches and experiences of people all over the world have proved the benefit of organic substances for the treatment of acne. They target at solving the root cause of the problem and being natural, do not harm you in any other way. Plus they are suitable during pregnancy while medical treatments might cause harm to the fetus.
Treating acne with the help of organic or natural products means you have a world of limitless options to choose from. Here we have a few of the easiest homemade remedies that almost anyone can benefit from.

-Number one on our list is lemon juice. Lemon juice for acne treatment is very effective. Its application over the acne afflicted areas detoxifies the pores and dries them out absorbing the oil. It also caters to the deficiencies of vitamin C which might give unhealthy skin consistency.

-Baking Soda, easily available in any house hold can be used as an effective scrub. It exfoliates dead skin which is clogged with dirt and oil and is preventing the oxygen to reach the pores.

-A mask of Egg White balances the pH level of skin by absorbing access oil from the skin and prevents further spreading of acne.

-Apple Cider Vinegar applied like the lemon juice over pores cleanses them and kills harmful bacteria causing skin problems and also affects the pH level.

-Cabbage juice application in the form of a lotion has also been proved highly beneficial and the eating of cabbage keeps blood clean and free from harmful toxicants.

The food we eat is devoid of the nutrition’s present in fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. These nutrition help cleanse the blood and supplement the need of vitamins needed during the age of puberty, when acne is commonly on its peak. Therefore healthy food and balanced diet as always are the best way to prevent and cure all health issues.

Apart from these homemade natural products there are lotions, tonics and creams available in the market labeled ‘0natural treatment’. Their effectiveness has not been tested clinically. But one should know how they work and why they are called natural. These products consist of sulfur mixed with chemicals such as alcohol, salicylic acid and resorcinol and other natural extracts. Resorcinol helps with small acne lesions while salicylic acid unclogs pores, it is temporary however and acne returns after its use is discontinued.

So my advice is to take your skin seriously and protect it from further damage by treating it with unreliable chemical treatments and hazardous medical procedures. The best way to treat acne is to identify its cause and remove it by learning, how to treat acne. Similarly the best way acne should be treated is to keep the skin healthy and clean, by controlling diet, regular cleansing and keeping pores free from dirt, oil and other toxins. Hope these tips on Organic treatment of acne help you overcome your problems.