

Sulfur Acne Treatment is the Answer

For quite some time, Sulfur is reputed to have been a major ingredient in curing acne and most of the preparations made for its treatment have carried Sulfur as its major component. According to historical books and references, the Romans used to consume it for curing dandruff and eczema! Although, nowadays, Benzoyl Peroxide and Salyclic Acid have replaced sulfur as the prime acne fighting components, but people still prefer Sulfur Acne Treatments, as a natural remedy.

Definition of sulfur as a sulfur acne treatment?
A major characteristic of Sulfur (Sodium Sulfacetamide) is to work as an antibiotic on the skin surface, which kills existing bacteria and prevents the formation of new ones. It actively works to dry-up excess oil on the skin and help unclog pores.

Definition of Sulfur by ACNE TREATMENT DIGEST

It is a natural element which is found near hot spring areas and volcanoes; it is found in the physical shape of yellow crystals or in powder form. This element has natural properties of being Keratolytic, antifungal and antibacterial because of its acidic nature. These properties are ideal for acne treatment which kill germs and bacteria and make the skin to peel hence unclogging the pores. Hydrogen Sulfide is produced when sulfur reacts with cysteine on the skin cells. The combination of Zinc Oxide with sulfur is best because of Zinc Oxide’s ability of healing wounds and being anti-inflammatory.

Side Effects
• The reported side effects are generally of mild nature like drying of skin, irritation, itching or flaking. These symptoms would remain for a few days and does not require one to discontinue treatment and seek medical recourse.

• But in case of allergic reactions, like swollen face, lips, tongue, lips, throats, rashes, fever or pain in joints, one should discreetly consider immediate medical attention.

Despite sulfur acne treatment being a natural anti-bacterial agent, but one is obliged to learn as to what is a safe limit of use. This can only be determined by a dermatologist analyzing sulfur concentration vis-à-vis one’s skin condition.

• During the course of pregnancy, mothers are encouraged to consult their doctors before using topical sulfur. Even if acne treatment is ongoing and a lady becomes pregnant, then it is also advised that she should stay away from sulfur usage. Sulfur must be kept away from children as it is not an intended medication for them.
• Sulphur may have some immediate reaction on skin and can cause redness and dryness which is very common with sulfur usage. Other side effects include sensation on skin, stinging, burning, and itching.

• While using such products, one should better be prepared for the possible harms. These can range from skin discoloration, drying and peeling of the skin, redness, burning sensation, and irritation. Sometimes the products cause increasing cell adhesion which might lead to formation of pimples.
• If one is not sure if he/she is allergic to sulfur or Sodium Sulfacetamide, it would be better to consult with the doctor first. In case the doctor allows one to use it, then this should only be done under observation throughout the treatment.
• In case of any kidney disease, one should not use it.
. If you have put on weight out of stress acne has given you, you must know how to lose weight as well.

• Sulfur as an effective acne medication, has been used for more than thousand years
• Despite being a natural remedy, it calls for applying cautions
• Sulfur acne treatments are packaged under Face Wash, Soaps, Masks & Creams, and in case of these products containing 10% of Sulfur, require prescription
Your dermatologist can be your best guide, if your aim is to avoid any sort of complication and the resultant misfortune of not looking being good in the mirror.