

Natural Acne Treatment is the Best Way

Acne is known as a deterioration of skin condition due to hormone imbalance and the side effects of mental stress and anxiety. This physical state, results in an increased production of sebaceous material and the mal-functioning of duct system or the blockage of tubules, which prevent the release of oil in a natural way.

Natural Acne Treatment calls for adopting those curing remedies, which are purely dependent on herbal medicines. These medicines, when combined with warm water or compress, help open skin pores and transmit healing benefits on the affected skin parts.
All these medicines or herbal products (in commercial parlance) claim to contain natural ingredients e.g. botanical alpha-Spina-sterol, citruline, stigma-sterol, water, aloe vera and methyl paraben.

There are some home-based tips as well, which can work wonders in giving healing effects to the affected skin parts. Like, ground ginger with milk, honey vinegar, turmeric and vinegar paste, can best be used as reliable indigenous acne treatment. Red clover and the extracts of Garlic, fresh Mint and raw Papaya can also relieve swelling acne, because all these vegetables can generate estrogenic action and anti-inflammation process, in gradual phases.

However, one can express his/her wonder whether all this combination of natural ingredients works to their advantage or not. Answering this query requires a bit of a reasoning, that it is a logical acne skin therapy, which can induce cure in the manner of surprise and relief.

Let me nevertheless, throw a word of caution here, that the severity of acne condition and the response of the patient to the medication, tend to be taken into a big therapeutic focus and the motivation of self sustaining healing techniques.


Babies’ suffering from acne is very common, surprisingly, in some cases, immediately after birth, or often after a couple of weeks. The body parts mostly affected is Cheeks, Forehead, Chin, Chest and the back side as well.

As a cure, parents are advised not to overdo cleansing, be it medicated skin lotion or an organic skin supplement. A simple rinse over the face with mild skin care baby soap, once a day, will greatly suffice the need.

There is no clear answer, as to what causes babies acne, but experts have pointed to the hormones, transferred at post-natal stage, from mothers to the babies. Second, the medications pregnant mothers take while nursing; also tend to trigger baby acne.
Baby acne usually heals-up naturally within a few weeks, even before a mother has noticed it. If she has, it is recommended that she doesn't put skin care creams or similar skin care products. Only in an event, when a baby's acne is severe and likely to scar, doctors need to be consulted, who will suggest an over-the-counter acne skin care treatment like benzyl peroxide.

A teenage population of about 85% is highly prone to developing and suffering from acne, an unofficial statistics, published at different websites portals, have claimed by conducting different surveys. The most vulnerable age group is found to be between 14 – 17 years and in terms of gender, boys tend to have it quite easily and persevere with acne in more severe form.

Over secretion of oil glands due to hormones (androgens), which the body starts producing at the onset of puberty, is a primary reason cited for this biological tendency. This generally results in the hair follicles or pores getting stuck owing to extra oil production and mixed with dead skin and dirt particles. Thereby the trapped material easily reacts with invading bacteria and causes swelling, redness and pus formation.

It is recommended that teenagers wash their skin particularly the face area at least twice a day. Mild beauty skin care soap can be used for face washing rather than selecting highly concentrated alcohol cleansing agents.

They are also advised to thoroughly wash their hair as well, because rubbing of greasy hair with skin will worsen acne to an acute level. Needless to mention here that the advice of a competent dermatologist is an assumed remedy and this should always be taken-up as a foremost priority.

Adult acne is as real as it gets the same way as it can in the teenagers. As per studies, 25% of adult men and 50% women have to endure acne affects. Interestingly what causes acne at the later years is not exactly determined, but dietary habits and stress have been looked into, as the major contributing factors for both the genders falling in adult segment.

Experts are of the opinion that adult acne is more likely to leave permanent physical acne scars, because of skin ageing and loss of collagen, wherein the skin care becomes harder to recover through damaged tissues.

Through natural acne treatment, infections and deep scarring can be averted and some vitamin derivatives can do some heal-up, especially Vitamin A, along with oral contraceptives and proactive skin care with OTC (over-the-counter) safe limit variety range.

Laser Acne Treatment - The advanced Option


The success in treating acne skin has brought forth numerous cases by virtue of great improvements through innovations and new technologies. Laser acne treatment being one of them, has emerged as an option for those who wanted to lessen the required amount or shorten the period of medications.

It has been proven through some evidences, that laser treatment improves not only the inflamed acne, but also leads to reduce acne scars. The procedure revolves around two basic groups of acne treating lasers and light based systems. First group inhibits the growth of bacteria responsible for acne lesions. Second group shrinks the sebaceous oil glands which causes acne inflammation.

Each patient undergoing laser acne treatment will be subject to the discretion of Cosmetic Surgeon, as he acts as a deciding factor of what intensity of laser beams are appropriate for the patients.

Similarly the optimization of acne clearing benefits is pre-determined through various laser or light based systems. This implies the fact that a particular acne condition is carefully interpreted prior to the treatment.

How successful has been the treatment with regard to acne removal can only be observed within 5 to 7 months of regular treatment sessions. In case acne flares-up, periodic treatment sessions will be required with short frequency cycle.
Laser Acne Treatment is carried out with two procedures:

1. Rubber Band Sensation called STING
2. Patients who cannot bear STING, are given a numbing topical anesthetic cream

To achieve even better results, the laser treatment needs to be combined with MICRO DERMABRASION by a qualified aesthetician. To promote quicker clearance of newly formed pimples, some skin clinics also prescribe some products as post-laser medications bearing no side effects.

Most people, who have experienced Laser Acne Treatment, have summarized the whole procedure as to:

• Firstly, they burn close the follicle sac, this is where the hair grow
• Secondly they burn close the sebaceous gland, this produces oil
• Then they induce the formation of oxygen for killing the bacteria

Actually it's both the radio frequency and light, the combo of these two gives best results, according to a focus group comprising of different people. The skin gets tighten because of the heat in radio frequency, with that light in KW used in special way starts killing the bacteria and the light converted into LASER heals the skin pores to give enhanced cosmetic elevation.

There have been successful instances where people who under went laser treatment because of scaring and active acne, were bewildered with mark improvement of scars elimination and reduction in sebum, the oily substance which present in the pores and responsible of producing blackheads and acne pimples.

In comparison, the laser treatment has also proved to be more effective in the reduction of existing acne versus any prescription or over the counter medications.
There had been a concern about loss of pigmentation in the skin, from some patients belonging to diversified ethnic origins. To counter this psychological barrier, laser technology has added to its systems the great in demand feature of pigment restoration which are treated with laser. It is a stimulating process which recreates the natural pigmentations that were eroded during the process.

Loss of Pigmentation
In medical terminology, loss of pigmentation is called VITILIGO. This is unseen on the skin but is pretty problematic. The laser manages to go deeper into the skin and encompasses the entire affected arena, which is called infiltration. The infiltration of the laser to these areas wakes up or re-activates the dormant cells and gears them back into action. Thus, the scarred area becomes more vibrant and smooth taking on the texture of the skin in the adjoining area.

In contrast to what dermatologists used to define till a few years back, that the best method to treat acne was through ultraviolet light, has now been discarded owing to its having dangerous side effects leading to causing cancer. This finding has enabled laser technology to take over and prove to be much more effective option.

Laser Acne Treatment has extended hope to many patients of severe and chronic acne not to lose hearts. Their disappointment is, however, not without reason, because the level of deceit and false comforts through glossy products, have only added to their agony and psyche.
How effective are laser skin treatments for acne? Opinions tend to vary. The wisest approach would be to speak to your dermatologist, as well as confiding to someone who might have gone through laser acne treatment. A common concern that many people who are considering laser skin treatment have is how painful or severe the procedure might be. Reportedly that in the majority of cases there is only a tinge of pain or discomfort, if any at all and usually lasts for a few days. What to expect, again your dermatologist or other skin care professional will be able to tell.